Anyone can create change and feel better with these 4 simple steps

Anyone can create change and feel better with these 4 simple steps

It has become really confusing to know how to eat healthy and make planet-friendly choices. It’s hard to know who to trust and what to believe. It can even feel like healthy, planet-friendly living is inaccessible through lack of time, money, resources, energy, life circumstances, socioeconomic status, etc.

At first glance, it seems like only a small percentage of us can “afford” sustainable living – even though what we really can’t afford is for no one to care or do what they can.

I’m here to inspire you. It doesn’t matter how much time, energy, or money you have today – using this process will help you feel good without feeling overwhelmed.

Step 1. Define your priorities

What are your top priorities TODAY? 

Are they your health, time with family, home-cooked meals, making a difference? 

Or maybe you are in a challenging season of life so ease & convenience are your top priority. That’s OK. Keep reading and this 4-step process will still help you feel even just a tiny bit more in control of your health & the planet’s health without feeling overwhelmed.

Step 2. Get intentional

Now that you’ve given your priorities some thought, are you actually living your life in alignment with them?

Is the way you are spending your time, energy, and money reflecting what’s most important to you right now? If not, take a pause and see where things need to be adjusted.

Step 3. Start wondering & learning.

Have an open mind, ask questions. Next time you go shopping wonder: how was this made, where did it come from, who helped get it here? Will this nourish my body? Do I really need this or are there other options?

Simply wondering is a catalyst for change. Don’t feel like you need to go research all the answers right away and become an expert. Simply have an open mind and see where it takes you!

Step 4. Start TODAY

Now that you are clear about your priorities, and you’ve been living with an open mind, what can you do TODAY to live more in alignment with what’s important to you? There are limitless ways that you can start making even a small change in your health and the health of the planet.

Do get caught in the trap of ‘one day I’ll eat less junk food’ or ‘one day I’ll be able to buy all organic food’. What can you do on THIS day? Can you print out a copy of the dirty dozen and clean fifteen? Can you choose fruit & nuts for snack instead of cookies or crackers? Can you walk to your neighbor’s instead of drive?

I promise you, there is SOMETHING you can do today that is…

  • aligned with your priorities
  • good for you and the planet
  • doesn’t use up your valuable resources
  • …and makes you feel motivated, inspired, energized, and GOOD!

Watch as I discuss these steps in detail and join the conversation over on Instagram!

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