Keep It Simple, Stupid. (KISS)

Keep It Simple, Stupid. (KISS)

As an engineer a mentor taught me something that still sticks with me today, the KISS principle. Many of the best engineering designs and solutions come from this principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Since starting my career as a nutritionist, I’ve taught from a place of simplicity. In fact, one of the first seminars I gave early in my career was ‘Six Simple Rules for Healthy Eating’.

More than five years later, as I’m teaching family nutrition with a planet-friendly focus, I’m STILL talking about how important simplicity is when it comes to taking care of ourselves and the planet.

Over the past couple of centuries with the industrial revolution, colonization, and the birth of “convenience foods” certain civilizations have thought they can do better than Mother Nature (ha!).

Today, as a society, we have moved so far away from this KISS idea, and we are paying the price for it.

Now we are at a point where people are waking up to the brilliance of nature and realizing it’s time to start backtracking – going back to nature and keeping it simple.

“Mother Nature has this all figured out for us.
We thought we knew better, greed took over, and now we’ve hurt people & planet in return.”

We need to make up for how horribly we’ve hurt our health and the health of the planet.

We need to make up for the pervasiveness of chronic disease, especially in children!

We have a lot to make up for!

It’s time to dismantle ‘The Bigs’ – Big Ag, Big Food, Big Pharma. Here are some examples of how their greed has moved us away from the simplicity of nature and got us into the mess we’re in today.

Big Ag

From my perspective the way our food system works is NOT simple. Monocrops like corn & soy are grown separately then shipped to feed lots. Neither the industrial farms nor industrial feed lots are healthy, sustainable eco systems so they both require large inputs (chemicals, energy, water) and both produce a lot of waste & pollution. Then we eat these foods and they make US sick! 

In order to simplify and get back to nature (and health) we need to grow food and raise animals as an ecosystem.

<Want to learn how to source food that supports your health and the health of the planet? Here’s a free guide to help you get started with how to source and cook one simple family dinner>

Big Food

In the days of the low fat craze, margarine was supposedly better than real butter. How could this man-made ‘food’ with a long list of chemical ingredients possibly be better than the real thing? Big Food’s livelihood is based on making us think that these fake food products are better for us. They want us to think it’s not worth our time and energy to source and prepare nourishing food. They want us to hand over our health, our power, and our money to them.

We need to fight back. Learn how to source real food, learn how to cook, and learn how to make these a priority. Start by downloading my free guide to sourcing and preparing a simple, delicious, and nourishing family dinner.

Big Pharma

When it comes to chronic illness, pharmaceuticals are not the answer. Big Pharma wants us to think it’s simpler to take a pill when you have a chronic illness. But really? The simple way to prevent and heal chronic illness (and just feeling like crap) is to eat real food, get enough sleep, get outside in sunlight and nature, and be with people you love. Of course once you have a chronic illness, it can become more complicated to heal – pharmaceuticals might be really helpful – but they are not the simple solution Big Pharma wants us to see them as.

If you want to learn how you can support more simplicity in your life and in your world, follow me on Instagram!

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