Healing Myself by Strengthening My Core

Healing Myself by Strengthening My Core

I first hurt my back when I was 27 years old and about 20 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I didn’t do anything in particular to hurt it; I had taken the day off work to do some fun creative projects at home. After a day hunched over my kitchen table I could.not.move. I spent the next day or two in bed. No fun.

My back problems would come and go throughout my first pregnancy and beyond. When I got pregnant again, I was determined to take better care of my back. I did yoga during my second trimester and really focused on keeping my core strong. This made such a huge difference, and I was able to get through the pregnancy with very little back pain.

Then, at my 6 week postpartum appointment, my midwife told me I had diastasis recti (side note: my diastasis was mild, only one finger, meaning you could literally fit a finger between my six pack muscles, it feels pretty freaky). I was advised to do some modified crunches and was told that if I didn’t work to close it, it could lead to back problems – especially in subsequent pregnancies. When I got home I Googled some exercises to do and tried to come up with a daily routine to help heal my core. Well, that lasted for exactly one day.

Then, I discovered MuTu system. It is a done for you program designed for women EXACTLY like me. I would be able to heal my diastasis recti safely and efficiently and not have to cross my legs every time I sneezed? YES, PLEASE!

I took the quick “test” on the MuTu website and decided the Focus Program was right for me.

The Focus program is an 8 week program, composed of 4 phases, with daily exercises and stretches that take no more than 10-15 minutes a day! It also teaches about the importance of alignment and daily walks. It is completely self-paced, meaning 8 weeks is the minimum but you can just as easily and effectively take your time with it (I’m about 10 weeks in but only on phase 2).

[7/2/2018 Update: the MuTu System was relaunched at the beginning of 2018 and now only has one program available. As a member of the “old” Focus Program, I got instant access to the new MuTu system and I love it! The new system is 12 weeks and has everything you need to heal and/or strengthen your core!]

My experience so far:

  • Once I paid for the program, it gave me more motivation to actually do the work to heal myself.
  • I felt improvement in my diastasis recti within 2 weeks!
  • My core is getting stronger and my belly is getting flatter (I don’t look 4 months pregnant after a big meal).
  • I notice a difference (my back starts bothering me) when I skip a day or two (or more) of my exercises –  this tells me those exercises are doing something.
  • I actually love doing the exercises and stretches! They are so easy (most of them are done laying down!), and I sometimes take time to meditate during my last stretch. Win, win, win. [7/2/2018 Update: the new MuTu program also include “intensive” workouts that make you sweat! If you’re into that ;)]

I find the trick to doing my MuTu exercises every day is to do them at the same time every day, first thing. I do my exercises first thing after the kids go to bed. If I decide to go and make lunches or clean up the kitchen first, then you bet my exercises don’t get done that night. So my tip: find a time where you can do it first thing – first thing in the morning, first thing when you get home from work, first thing after the kids go to bed – whatever works for you but if you don’t prioritize it as first thing then you are less likely to do it.

[7/2/2018 Update: here are my before and after photos, the left is taken at 6 months post-partum, the next is taken in 2018 after completing the new 12-week MuTu program. It’s no coincidence that my posture has also improved, that’s the whole idea behind the MuTu System!]


So what are you waiting for? Check out MuTu System, and if you want to go for it, please help me out and use my affiliate link at MutuSystem.com

Let me know if you decide to do the program, I’d love to hear your thoughts and success story!

(As an affiliate of the MuTu System, I get a small percentage of any purchase made through my affiliate links, but honestly, I’d recommend it to anyone regardless!)

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