Get to the root of your baby’s symptoms for good!

Get to the root of your baby’s symptoms for good!

I mention inflammation a lot but, what IS inflammation? What does it mean if my baby has inflammation in her gut?

First, we need to understand the role our immune system plays in inflammation.

Our immune system is our body’s natural defense system against any organisms or outside substances that are seen as a threat.

When our immune system senses a threat, it’s natural response to promote healing is inflammation

Yup – inflammation is a GOOD thing that helps us heal. Think about it – when you get a cut, you’ll likely notice it is a bed red, warm to the touch, and maybe even inflamed (swollen). This is exactly what we want our body to do to prevent any infections in the cut. This is called acute inflammation.

Acute inflammation = GOOD

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is not so good.

Chronic inflammation is widespread, long-lasting, and can be “hidden” (ie. no obvious physical symptoms). Chronic inflammation is the root of all disease, from heart disease and cancer to dementia, diabetes, and more. Chronic inflammation is at the root of your baby’s symptoms, too.

So, where does chronic inflammation come from?

Often, it comes from gut issues like leaky gut. Why? Well, about 70% of your immune system is in your gut

So, if your gut isn’t functioning properly, and things are “leaking through”, the immune system is right there to fight by creating inflammation.

Does it seem like your baby is SO sensitive, they seem to react to everything? Likely the reason for this is their gut function. Healing & sealing the gut is key to reducing the symptoms you see in your baby.

What if baby seems fine when certain foods are eliminated, but then you deal with symptom “flares” quite often or when baby is exposed to one of those foods? Most likely there is still some amount of chronic inflammation in baby, and when their inflammation “bucket” overflows, symptoms flare up.

Again, the answer is reducing inflammation and getting to the root of baby’s chronic inflammation.

To hear more about inflammation and what it has to do with your baby’s sensitivities, watch the video below.


If you are looking for more guidance on getting to the root of your baby’s inflammation (esp gut health!), look no further than the Baby Skin Solution program. This program addresses reducing inflammation through diet & lifestyle, as well as how to heal and seal your baby’s gut to get to the root of their symptoms.

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