What is Cyclical Living?

What is Cyclical Living?

I believe that the key to raising consciousness here on earth – by that I mean waking people up to see outside of themselves and their immediate needs – is to see how we are all connected.

To be able to practice true kindness, love, and caring for people & planet, we need to see how we are all one.

We are all nature.

And the true essence of you and me and the natural world is cyclical.

This is why cyclical living is at the foundation of the way I live my life and the way I teach health & wellness.

What is Cyclical Living?

Just off the top of your head, what comes to mind when YOU think of cyclical living?

Maybe you think of the seasons, the sunrise and sunset day after day, the moon phases, gardening, the circle of life…

When I think of the term cyclical, I think of the opposite of linear. I think flowing. I think of natural, continuous, regular.

To me, cyclical living is a way of living that allows you to be more connected to yourself and the natural world around you.

Cyclical living allows you to become more in tune with the 3 main natural cycles we as women get to experience:

The sun // the seasons.

The moon // the moon phases.

And our goddess selves // our menstrual cycle.

When we come back to the cyclical nature of life, come back to ourselves.

This doesn’t mean that linear is bad or isn’t useful. We can look at time as linear, which is very helpful when you are looking ahead, making plans, and discerning or comparing.

But judging and comparing and always being “stuck” in linear time inherently makes us separate. Cyclical living opens up a whole new level of ease, fun, nourishment, connection, and wellbeing.

Cyclical Living Isn’t New

Our ancestors depended heavily on understanding and working with the seasons and the moon phases. They knew when it was time to plant, gather, preserve, celebrate, and rest.

Living in modern times, we have become quite disconnected from nature and this cyclical way of life. Don’t get me wrong – I am grateful for things like shelter, central heating, indoor plumbing, electricity, etc. – but I don’t want it to disconnect me completely from the world I live in. 

There is so much knowledge and life and vitality that we can gain from remaining connected to the natural world.

So, to me, cyclical living is nothing new, but it’s something that’s been lost, forgotten.

How can Cyclical Living Help You?

There’s a quote I love by Albert Einstein and he said, “when we look deep into nature, we understand everything better.”

…and remember, we are nature. YOU are nature. So when you look deep into yourself, you understand everything better. AND, When you understand your body, you love your body, and when you love your body, it’s effortless to take incredible care of yourself – and others.

This is why cyclical living is at the foundation of the way I live my life and the way I teach health & wellness. It starts here with a deep understanding and self-awareness, then moves to body-literacy. Only THEN can you move up the pyramid of feminine foundations to things like nutrition, reducing toxins, and supportive supplements.

Whether you are dealing with health issues right now, you’re always learning and working towards that next-level health, or want to cultivate a deeper love and understanding of your body, you gotta start with cyclical living!

How to get Started with Cyclical Living

Here are some ways for you to get started:

  1. Use a Holistic Cycle Tracker
  2. Come find me on Instagram
  3. Subscribe to the Living In-Sync podcast (Apple / Spotify)
  4. Join me in the next round of Deepen, a 5-week-long audio course dedicated to helping you connect more deeply to your body and the world around you.

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