Daily Habits to be your best self even when mom-life feels overwhelming

Daily Habits to be your best self even when mom-life feels overwhelming

Story time…I was able to handle a really full – could’ve been stressful – Saturday last weekend because of the daily habits & practices I’ve cultivated in my life…

I know exactly what I need to feel good and to manage the ups & downs of life because I’ve spent years cultivating this calm and this deep connection with myself.

There are things that I do regularly that help me feel resilient every day…

the day before my busy Saturday, I made it a point to nourish my body. Not because I had a busy day ahead of me, but because when I asked myself what I needed that day I discovered that I needed deep and full nourishment.

I did an at-home yoga practice, went for a longer walk than usual, had a veggie-packed and satisfying lunch.

I took a nap, I went to the chiropractor, I asked my husband to be in charge of dinner, and I went to bed at the same time as the kids to read and unwind before sleep.

These are things that I know nourish me.

…again, everything I did for myself on Friday was not in preparation for a busy, stressful Saturday. It was just what I knew my body needed.

My needs change every day, and that’s why I start most of my days with a quiet cup of tea, my cycle tracker, and my journal.

I’m able to not only understand my needs, but also how to honor them.

If this sounds like something you want for yourself, keep reading, friend.

On the slopes with Brad, I was dealing with several meltdowns and lots of 5 year old frustration. There were many times where I could have lost my patience and my temper…

…and I’m not here to say I never lose my temper,

but on this day I was able to remain calm, patient, and supportive because I prioritize my daily habits that help me be a better, more patient, fun & energized mom.

Even when it was time to head home and our car key was nowhere to be found, I was able to live in acceptance and instead choose to enjoy the extra time I had with my son and anchor in gratitude for my amazingly supportive and helpful husband who made the trip to rescue us.

When we got home, I only had an hour to eat dinner & get ready to head out to watch my oldest perform in a play.

The old me would’ve felt rushed and stressed, but now I have such a deep understanding of my needs, I knew I needed a relaxing bath after a day of skiing. I knew that by honoring my needs, I could make time feel more abundant.

I sat in the bath while my husband made me dinner and brought me a cocktail I didn’t even ask for!

(ok, is this story about how I care for myself or how amazing my husband is?!?)

Anyway, I drove to my daughter’s play exactly on time, and without a hint of stress in me.

I lived the whole rest of the evening in such deep gratitude that I was brought to tears several times.

And I’m here to tell you that this kind of ease is available to you, too.

(you don’t even need an amazing partner – although it’s definitely nice, but only as long as you know how to ask for and receive help!)

Whether you want to lose weight, have more energy, balance your hormones, be a more patient & fun mom or all of the above…deepening your connection with yourself is where it all starts.

That’s why I created


a 3-day online course that will teach you to truly know WHAT you need, WHEN you need it, and HOW to provide it for yourself.

You will learn…

  • Daily Awareness: strengthen your connection to yourself
  • Seasonal Energetics: understand and work with the seasons around you & within you.
  • Simple daily rhythms to help you live what you learned.

Come away as a new woman.
A woman who now has a deeper connection to herself and to nature, every day. A woman who knows how to create a healthy & deeply nourishing life & family, effortlessly.

Register for Deepen now. Course runs April 27, 28, 29.

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